
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Benefits of Spirituality

No matter your religion, faith, or beliefs, there are benefits of that are non denominational and a benefit to the human race as a whole.
1. Friendship is a vital element of any religion. Congregation members can make wonderful and lasting friendships that can last a lifetime.

2. Spiritual Growth Your beliefs will be strengthened and confirmed. You will explore your spirituality and from that can come personal growth. Your faith can help you find answers to those difficult questions and help you better understand your purpose in this world. Spiritual growth is a very personal adventure.

3. Mental Health Religion has been show to improve a person’s mental well being. Their belief system is reinforced and the interaction with other congregational members is very beneficial to one overall mental health.

4. Physical Health We have all read and heard about cases where a person’s physical well being has been improved by their beliefs. There are many documented cases where person’s beliefs have been the reason for their ability to fight a disease and become healthy again or to overcome obstacles and challenges relating to their health.

5. Community share their faith with other brothers and sisters of their religion. Social gatherings and meeting encourage a community to grow and prosper within the faith.

6. Creativity and artistic skills through music and prayer. Congregational members are also able to increase their skill by participating in the choir or helping decorate the hall for a celebration.

7. A Break attending church sets a recognizable break away from work, family issues, and self fulfilling issues. It’s a time out period that is dedicated to concentrating on the Lord.

8. Consoling Many people have found help for loneliness and grief in religion. In fact many have been known to turn to religion after the loss of a partner or loved one. In times of sadness and loneliness the church congregation and religion can be very consoling to a person.

9. Strength The faith in ones religion can give a person the strength to carry on, to struggle through obstacles and become a stronger and better person from the experience.

10. Life changing for some finding faith can be life changing. We’ve all heard of criminals that found God and turned their lives around to become a productive member in society.

Religion is a very personal choice. Each religion has their own belief system but each religion has its ties to a higher power or God. Many religions play a large role in helping humanity as a whole. Offering counseling services, providing food and shelter for the poor, helping people in what ever capacity they can. No matter what faith you are the underlying belief is for the betterment of man kind.

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