
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spirituality is life long process

Spirituality is not of few second,minutes or hours or days
or week or month or year, it is every second,minutes or
hours or days or week or month or year that is not seeing
your life happenings diiferent from the spiritual evolution
which everybody undergoes as in sprituality the most important
part is not the result but the is a combination of
relaxed and intense that is, it is a balanced view toward life

why so many obstacles in spiritual life

There will be many obstacles in spiritual life as
a person is trying to experiance things which are
beyond vision, which is going to make the person
really special as a end product, a spiritual person
does not see obstacles as obstacles but as challenges
which have to be dealt with humbleness and patience

Difference between Normal Life and Spiritual Life

Difference between Normal Life and Spiritual Life
Lies in the approach, A spritual person has a calmer
approach to events in life when compared to a material
person due to his understanding of him being a spirit
soul(Atma) rather than just this body or mind

Spirituality and Good & Bad Thoughts

Good & Bad Thoughts are like Summer and Winter, A person with
Spirtual Orientation(In this context, one who does not become
very happy on Favourable thoughts and very sad on unFavourable
thoughts)treats these thoughts just like changing Seasons
(Summer and Winter) and is not influenced by it.
